Sorry it's been SO long since I've blogged. This semester has been absolutely crazy as I've added a job to my schedule and have been working around 30 hours a week along with being a full time student and church stuff. Sheesh! But I am loving every minute of it and God is continuing to reveal Himself in new and exciting ways. While I hope to actually blog soon, here is a journal entry from my trip home from San Diego (I went there with my church over Spring Break- another post, another time). Enjoy!
Oh how sweet it is to know God has a marvelous plan. How comforting it is to know He has it all under control. Driving through the deserts of Arizona is an experience unlike any other. There are mountains in the distance but they're shrouded in fog. The sand and bushes stretch on in a seemingly endless fashion. I have a peace that is afraid of no deserts or valleys. The Lion of Judah walks beside me. He chuckles in my ear over the lies of the enemy. He says, "You hear that?" as He smiles at the absurdity of the enemy's puny roars. He is good. Life is good by His side-- my most faithful and kind friend.
His goodness is unending. It never ceases.
Blessings friends!