Today is the first day in I don't even know how long that our WHOLE TEAM is out on the streets sharing today! Woohoo! SO good to have everyone back. Yesterday we didn't see a lot of fruit, but there was surprisingly little discouragement. We had an incredible time of worship. The Spirit just keeps filling us up more and more! I have come to adore every single person on my team. I've made so many close friends. These guys and gals are truly my family. We have each others' backs and I LOVE IT. Today is our second to last day to share. I have personally not yet seen any salvations, but I'm believing for Love encounters today! Either way, I know that God has used my time here to do His will. I know I have part in the inheritance and I will choose to live in no regret. Any regrets are covered in the blood of Jesus! My team and I are going at it hard these last two days. We want to see God do more crazy things! Personally, I'd kind of like to see Him raise someone from the dead. I mean... He did it... I've heard of others praying and dead raising... His power is in me and my teammates, so I wanna see His Kingdom come in that way!! Either way, my time here has been good. I'm adjusting to the culture. I bobble my head like an Indian all the time. It's half annoying, half hilarious. I'm ready to see my family, but I know I'll miss the time I've spent here, so I'm choosing to live for today! God is so good friends. Man, I can't wait to see how He moves in the next two days.
"Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession." Psalm 2:8
That's our cry right now! We have crazy dreams for this city. But we have an even crazier God = )
On a different note, I have still not fulfilled many of my random goals for my time here. I hope to complete them... In fact, I'm set on it.
1. Get a henna tattoo- the girls here have some awesome ones. I just have to find somewhere to get it done! Most of the girls do it themselves so they don't know where to tell us to go. If I figure out where to go, I think I'm going to get some flower design on my hand as it was the word given to me concerning my time here. I have a friend who wants to get a sun design since that was the word given over here. Speaking of that word, let me talk about that a bit... Julie Bennett, our pastor's wife, spoke over each of us the night before we left. Her word for me was that I was a flower who was going to blossom on this trip. Satan was going to try to stop that, but I couldn't let him. I had all kinds of ideas of what me blossoming might look like, but I'm not sure I imagined what it turned out to be! I've opened up to people in a whole new way. I'm truly becoming Makenzi the Bold as I used to declare over myself. I still am my quiet self, but I enjoy people so much more! That sounds terrible. I've always loved people but have also been a loner. I've learned how to cope without having alone time, which I KNOW will be beneficial in the future. I've made some great friends. I've learned to enjoy games. I've learned to step out of my comfort zone. I've learned to initiate. I've learned to speak what God tells me with boldness. Those are just a few. God, more sunshine! More rain! I want to blossom more and more!!
2. I want to be taught an Indian dance by some girls here! Just got to meet someone who I'd feel comfortable asking!
3. Ride a moped- Not sure that one's gonna happen but maybe in the US hahah
Ok that's enough for now. It's time to head out for the day. Keep praying. You all are awesome!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sorry It's Been So Long!!
Hello friends!
Sorry I haven't been able to blog the past week! I've been so busy and then I got sick. I'm feeling a bit better although I'm still pretty dehydrated. Today is our day off so I'm trying to take it easy and get some good food inside of me. We leave in less than a week! So crazy. One of the most incredible things about being here is the way people seem to find US. People will come up to us and take us to a whole line of people who are wanting to be healed. It blows my mind. I thought I'd share some of my pictures. There are so many more on my flickr but these are some that I wanted to comment on. Love you all. Keep on praying!

This is a picture of a beggar and her child who I see regularly. They seriously break my heart. The little girl, whose name is Mary, is one of the happiest little kids you will ever meet. Her smile seriously lights up the area. My heart breaks every time I see her. We try to give them some food and drink whenever we see them. It's so hard to know what to do for the beggars. You don't want to give them money and encourage the cycle, but I'm always afraid that they are going to get in trouble with their pimps for not getting enough money. Also, I hate passing them by and doing nothing. How is that showing the love of Christ? So, we try to always at least talk to the beggar women and children, pray over them and give them food. Then we have to walk away and trust God to protect them...

Another picture of sweet Mary..

Here the team is playing Signs, a favorite game of ours. I can't believe how much I've come to love games since being here. Hahaha who knew that would happen??

Here's a picture of me and one of my new good friends, Madison. I'm so thankful for her!!

My meal from our favorite restaurant Toscano. Seriously, so good! We are going back tonight, and I have to admit that it's the main reason I'm not currently resting in the hotel right now hahaha

My little friend, Muskan who called me yesterday.. Although I couldn't understand her at all!!
Sorry I haven't been able to blog the past week! I've been so busy and then I got sick. I'm feeling a bit better although I'm still pretty dehydrated. Today is our day off so I'm trying to take it easy and get some good food inside of me. We leave in less than a week! So crazy. One of the most incredible things about being here is the way people seem to find US. People will come up to us and take us to a whole line of people who are wanting to be healed. It blows my mind. I thought I'd share some of my pictures. There are so many more on my flickr but these are some that I wanted to comment on. Love you all. Keep on praying!
This is a picture of a beggar and her child who I see regularly. They seriously break my heart. The little girl, whose name is Mary, is one of the happiest little kids you will ever meet. Her smile seriously lights up the area. My heart breaks every time I see her. We try to give them some food and drink whenever we see them. It's so hard to know what to do for the beggars. You don't want to give them money and encourage the cycle, but I'm always afraid that they are going to get in trouble with their pimps for not getting enough money. Also, I hate passing them by and doing nothing. How is that showing the love of Christ? So, we try to always at least talk to the beggar women and children, pray over them and give them food. Then we have to walk away and trust God to protect them...
Another picture of sweet Mary..
Here the team is playing Signs, a favorite game of ours. I can't believe how much I've come to love games since being here. Hahaha who knew that would happen??
Here's a picture of me and one of my new good friends, Madison. I'm so thankful for her!!
My meal from our favorite restaurant Toscano. Seriously, so good! We are going back tonight, and I have to admit that it's the main reason I'm not currently resting in the hotel right now hahaha
My little friend, Muskan who called me yesterday.. Although I couldn't understand her at all!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sending Out Song
The day my team and I flew out, some of the people from our church came and prayed us out. They played this song as a sending out song. We've been singing it everywhere we go here. I wanted to share because the words are so great! Sorry that there is no official recording so this is the best I can get ya = )
by Abel Musuka
We are all more than conquerers
And we all possess power
To heal the sick, raise the dead,
Cause the blind to see
Set the captives free
We are all overcomers
Sin no longer has power
For we have captivated our thoughts
And have honored the cost
We have victory, his victory
And I see a people changing the nations,
Now rising up to take their place.
And I see an army, righteous and holy,
Filled with the spirit and not afraid.
They carry a banner, written Jehovah,
The lion of Judah, the king who reigns.
Christ the redeemer he is our master,
We've conqured all in Jesus name.
It's our time it's our hour
And we only grow stronger
We are pillars with anners that only fly higher
For His majesty
We are called by the FAther
He has granted us power
And he sees you and me as the bringers of peace
It's our destiny, our destiny.
We are the overcomers
WE are the overcomers
WE have overcome in JESUS NAME!!
by Abel Musuka
We are all more than conquerers
And we all possess power
To heal the sick, raise the dead,
Cause the blind to see
Set the captives free
We are all overcomers
Sin no longer has power
For we have captivated our thoughts
And have honored the cost
We have victory, his victory
And I see a people changing the nations,
Now rising up to take their place.
And I see an army, righteous and holy,
Filled with the spirit and not afraid.
They carry a banner, written Jehovah,
The lion of Judah, the king who reigns.
Christ the redeemer he is our master,
We've conqured all in Jesus name.
It's our time it's our hour
And we only grow stronger
We are pillars with anners that only fly higher
For His majesty
We are called by the FAther
He has granted us power
And he sees you and me as the bringers of peace
It's our destiny, our destiny.
We are the overcomers
WE are the overcomers
WE have overcome in JESUS NAME!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
An Evening Walk to the Hotel
A rickshaw lets me off a few blocks away saying it isn't allowed to go through that road (ah the ways they find to rip us off). As my friends and I walk down the street I pass two men urinating. Men are holding hands. They aren't gay. This is just culturally acceptable. In contrast it is not acceptable for couples to hold hands in public. Rumor has it that on Valentines Day they were arresting any couples (and I mean heterosexual) caught holding hands. I pass piles of rotting trash with swarms of flies around them. There are no trash cans on the street. At the end of the day people empty their trashcans onto the sidewalk. The sidewalk is formed out of blocks with the sewer running underneath. It appears that there have been too many earthquakes or something as all the blocks are pushed up like some upheaval has occurred. Therefore every once and a while you get a nice whif of sewer. As we continue down the street, I see a young boy whose legs are broken behind him forcing him onto his face begging. I hear the call for prayer blaring over the speakers like a tornado siren. Three and four year old girls follow us, tugging on our shirts and begging for money. Older girls hold sleeping infants also asking for money. The night sky is orange with smog and light pollution. There seem to be no traffic laws as cars honk and weave in and out around each other without any apparent boundaries. You dodge cars, following locals who you hope have a better idea of how not to get hit by a car. Street vendors call out trying to sell watches, fruit and hot roasted corn. I see a hunchback midget on a mini motorcycle. We round the corner to our hotel and head back to our room. There's a little piece of my time here. I hope it painted a picture : )
Saturday, June 5, 2010
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhesrted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound..."
Isaiah 61:1
Please keep praying for the people here. God is good and continuing to show His faithfulness!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
We're Here!
Hi friends!!
We've reached the city in South Asia where we will be spending the next three weeks! We are loving it. There are so many new sites and sounds. It's super loud here. As one of the interns said, honking is their love language = ) But really... They ALWAYS honk no matter what time of day or if no one is in front of them. The people here are beautiful. It can be heartbreaking at times though, especially the children. They follow us and are so precious, but we know they don't get to keep the money. I just want to scoop them up and take them with me. Friends, God is already at work here! I am SO EXCITED to tell you that TODAY ALONE, my team members and I experienced 14 healings and 2 salvations. Isn't that AWESOME?! We're are overwhelmed. It is only our first day out on the streets!! We have 16 days to go! Can't tell you how excited we are to see God's kingdom come to earth.
We got to our hotel around 4:30 AM after around 50 hours of traveling. Needless to say we were exhausted but they have been giving us time to adjust which is very nice. So far no stomach problems! God's so good = )I've been thinking of so many things to say and now I can't remember any!! But hope this encourages you. Please keep praying and I'll keep updating!! Love you all!
We've reached the city in South Asia where we will be spending the next three weeks! We are loving it. There are so many new sites and sounds. It's super loud here. As one of the interns said, honking is their love language = ) But really... They ALWAYS honk no matter what time of day or if no one is in front of them. The people here are beautiful. It can be heartbreaking at times though, especially the children. They follow us and are so precious, but we know they don't get to keep the money. I just want to scoop them up and take them with me. Friends, God is already at work here! I am SO EXCITED to tell you that TODAY ALONE, my team members and I experienced 14 healings and 2 salvations. Isn't that AWESOME?! We're are overwhelmed. It is only our first day out on the streets!! We have 16 days to go! Can't tell you how excited we are to see God's kingdom come to earth.
We got to our hotel around 4:30 AM after around 50 hours of traveling. Needless to say we were exhausted but they have been giving us time to adjust which is very nice. So far no stomach problems! God's so good = )I've been thinking of so many things to say and now I can't remember any!! But hope this encourages you. Please keep praying and I'll keep updating!! Love you all!
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