Sorry I haven't been able to blog the past week! I've been so busy and then I got sick. I'm feeling a bit better although I'm still pretty dehydrated. Today is our day off so I'm trying to take it easy and get some good food inside of me. We leave in less than a week! So crazy. One of the most incredible things about being here is the way people seem to find US. People will come up to us and take us to a whole line of people who are wanting to be healed. It blows my mind. I thought I'd share some of my pictures. There are so many more on my flickr but these are some that I wanted to comment on. Love you all. Keep on praying!
This is a picture of a beggar and her child who I see regularly. They seriously break my heart. The little girl, whose name is Mary, is one of the happiest little kids you will ever meet. Her smile seriously lights up the area. My heart breaks every time I see her. We try to give them some food and drink whenever we see them. It's so hard to know what to do for the beggars. You don't want to give them money and encourage the cycle, but I'm always afraid that they are going to get in trouble with their pimps for not getting enough money. Also, I hate passing them by and doing nothing. How is that showing the love of Christ? So, we try to always at least talk to the beggar women and children, pray over them and give them food. Then we have to walk away and trust God to protect them...
Another picture of sweet Mary..
Here the team is playing Signs, a favorite game of ours. I can't believe how much I've come to love games since being here. Hahaha who knew that would happen??
Here's a picture of me and one of my new good friends, Madison. I'm so thankful for her!!
My meal from our favorite restaurant Toscano. Seriously, so good! We are going back tonight, and I have to admit that it's the main reason I'm not currently resting in the hotel right now hahaha
My little friend, Muskan who called me yesterday.. Although I couldn't understand her at all!!
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