As I sit to write this post, my heart is full of so many emotions! First, I am still overwhelmed with joy over how much fun it was to get to have Chandler, Alex, Nicole, Jake, Spence, Evan, Hunter, Kaci, Lindy and SO MANY MORE with me at church this morning. I LOVE my community and it makes me giddy to share it with others = )
At church this morning, my pastor, Chris Bennett, spoke on loving God. Man, did the Spirit use it to get to a crevice of my heart that needed getting at!! I'm going to hit on a few points that really got to me BUT if you want to listen, go to the following link (if it's not up, it will be soon... It's called "Four Loves").
(1.) "2 I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. 3 I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. 4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent" (Revelation 2:2-5)
In this passage, Christ is talking to the church of Ephesus. He tells them that He sees all the amazing things they are doing for the Kingdom BUT they have forgotten their first love. We exist to MAKE THE LOVE OF GOD KNOWN. We can get so caught up doing good things and going about our good business, surrounding ourselves with other likeminded people, that we forget to focus on our LOVE and our PURPOSE.
Why does this happen? We claim to love Him and do all the right things, but where do we go wrong??
(2.) "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." (Psalm 86:11)
UNITE my heart to fear your name... Make my heart UNDIVIDED towards You.... We may love Him sincerely but also love a list of other things that divides our love for Him. Our question should always be, "Does this help me love God more??" We love God, but become far too easily pleased and content because of our love for other things!!
I know that for me, I get so caught up in my love for other things (books, music, movies, etc) that I'm willing to divide my love and live in the gray... An area that doesn't necessarily help me to love God more.
So the question must be asked, Does my life reflect my confession of loving Him with my whole heart as Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and numerous other passages command? If not, how can I increase my outward expression of my love for Him?? Firstly through obedience as John 14:15 says. Second, starting my day in His presence!! If I start my day with anything other than Him, a million things will get my attention and divide my heart. Starting my day with Him, helps me to start my day with a heart undivided in my love.
A good thing to remember:
Anything I want to do for God will come out of intimacy with Him (John 15:5)
Lord give me a heart of flesh in the areas that have been hardened by a divided heart (Ezekiel 11:18-20)! May I walk out in that love. May I bind it to my heart and may it drip from my mouth as I go about my day! Let it be!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Little Prince
I've been looking forward to writing my first blog post about a book. I'm warning you this isn't from the list I previously posted. If you know me well or you continue to follow this, you will learn I'm not very good at following lists of books. I am generally reading around 5 at once and many I never intended to read yet. So here I am presenting a lovely book that I have previously not mentioned. It's a children's book called The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. If you have never read it- PLEASE DO. I feel like too often we feel like we get to an age that children's literature is no longer for us. I will shamelessly admit that it is my favorite genre. Sometimes I want to pretend I like other genres more (after all I AM in college where everyone has big dreams and aspirations, what kind of person prefers to read children's books and just wants to open a bookstore? ME) but I can't lie, children's books are without a doubt my favorite. One of my best friends gave me this book for Christmas last year with a great inscription in it. (Aren't inscriptions the best??) But anyhow, he asked me recently if I'd read it yet and I realized I hadn't! So for the past week it has been my bubble bath/bedtime read. Here are three things you should know about the book...
(1.) It is a children's book all about childhood. It has the same feeling as Where the Wild Things Are except it is more eloquent, was written a number of decades earlier, and it is much longer.
(2.) The illustrations are BEAUTIFUL
"In order to make his escape, I believe he took advantage of a migration of wild birds."
(3) It was originally written in French by a pilot for the French air force who was shot down over the Mediterranean ocean a year later by a German plane.
Lastly, allow me to leave you with the dedication in the book. It just makes me smile and shows the heart of Saint-Exupéry's work...
I ask children to forgive me for dedicating this book to a grown-up. I have a serious excuse: this grown-up is the best friend I have in the world. I have another excuse: this grown-up can understand everything, even books for children. I have a third excuse: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs to be comforted. If all these excuses are not enough, then I want to dedicate this book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. (but few of them remember it.) So I correct my dedication:
when he was a little boy..."
Absolutely beautiful. If you never have... PLEASE go pick this up. Find a quiet place where you can allow yourself to think like a child and soak up this wonderful story...
Monday, August 23, 2010
What Possibilities!
Yesterday at church, my pastor, Chris Bennett, gave us all a little history lesson concerning OU. In 1892, when the first president of OU arrived at the site where the school would be, he looked at the open land (which then contained no trees) and said, "What possibilities!" A devout Christian man, he set up a daily voluntary chapel for the students. Each service was very short. Generally it just contained a couple of songs and a three minute devotion. However, after one devotion about the parable of the sower, an artist created this statue for the school...

It eventually it became part of the school seal, and is an icon on campus. However, so few people know why it's there! The statue represents the seeds of the gospel being sown all around campus. This is the time. This is the year. We see a generation rising up to take there place. We see a near revival stirring as we pray and seek! Join us by praying for our campus. Pray that every believer may rise up, full of fire and spread the good Word. Pray for open hearts! God is so good and I can't wait to see what He's going to do this year and in the years to come! He looks at this city and says "What possibilities!!" We join Him in that declaration.
Yesterday, a large group from my church made up of all ages, met on campus corner. We worshipped there for a while (I'm sure people were so confused) then we walked all the way around campus Jericho style praying over the campus. When we were done we shared our visions for what God was going to do. We prayed over them. Then they had all of the students get in the middle and they just bathed us in prayer. What a blessing!! I am so thankful for the body God has placed all around me. I am blessed, blessed, blessed. Well, off to my first day of sophomore year! Fuego de Dios!
It eventually it became part of the school seal, and is an icon on campus. However, so few people know why it's there! The statue represents the seeds of the gospel being sown all around campus. This is the time. This is the year. We see a generation rising up to take there place. We see a near revival stirring as we pray and seek! Join us by praying for our campus. Pray that every believer may rise up, full of fire and spread the good Word. Pray for open hearts! God is so good and I can't wait to see what He's going to do this year and in the years to come! He looks at this city and says "What possibilities!!" We join Him in that declaration.
Yesterday, a large group from my church made up of all ages, met on campus corner. We worshipped there for a while (I'm sure people were so confused) then we walked all the way around campus Jericho style praying over the campus. When we were done we shared our visions for what God was going to do. We prayed over them. Then they had all of the students get in the middle and they just bathed us in prayer. What a blessing!! I am so thankful for the body God has placed all around me. I am blessed, blessed, blessed. Well, off to my first day of sophomore year! Fuego de Dios!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What He's Been Showing Me Lately...
This is a very interesting stage in my life but God is showing me some great things through it. Here are some of them...
1. There is a time for EVERYTHING.
I know I come back to this concept time and time again, but it just never ceases to speak to me. Right now it is encouraging to me because in the past God called me to remove some things- good things even- from my life so that I may go to the wilderness that He may speak tenderly to me as in the days of my youth (Hosea 2). Ecclesiastes 3 is a promise that God is going to renew those areas of my life in His perfect timing. For now, there is nothing better than to "be joyful and to do good" and remember that "He has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecc. 3:12, 11)
2. He brings us to the wilderness to prepare us for His plan
Throughout the Bible there are examples of this. Moses is a prime example. He fled to the desert. There he was a shepherd. While the Bible doesn't give a lot of specifications of those years in the desert, I know God was preparing him for the day "I AM" would approach him and speak his destiny over him. I feel like I'm in the desert right now. Not in the sense that my life is dry but that I'm in a time of preparation. I refuse to rush through this season, but also look forward to what my future holds... All His ways and plans are perfect. He is the Author and Perfecter of all things.
3. He gives us talents so that we may prove our faithfulness
I keep looking at that sentence because I'm not sure I said that right. However, hopefully you will know what I mean. We must be stewards of small things before we can be stewards over more. The Lord asked me to step back from some of the things I was stewarding. Now we're starting over again on a much smaller scale. Sometimes I want to jump ahead, but I know this will help me to be much more faithful in the small things and over bigger things when they come. I'm thankful for everything He gives me to steward right now. May I always be grateful for such...
4. He reminds me of His faithfulness when I most need it.
Little example. Today I started a new job. I was moderately excited for this job... Well, mostly for the pay which I expected to be good. However, today turned out to be a very long day during which I made a total of around $15. Slightly discouraging to say the least. So I'm standing in Andy's Alligators in my neon yellow Party Pics polo typing out a text to my mom saying that I wish there was someone in the sorority I was taking pictures of that I knew so it wouldn't be so awkward when a girl walks up, reminds me of her name, and says she goes to Antioch. I just had to smile. Thanks God. Little things like that remind me that you are with me in the mediocre. You never leave my side.
5. Sometimes God doesn't work the way we think He would.
God has a perfect character. Of that, I have no doubt. However, I am convinced that He works in ways we don't/can't understand. I've been thinking a lot about that fact and sin. I have very much been thinking lately about whether His plan for us sometimes involves sin. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make myself clear, but I wonder if... Well it's a tricky tightrope between God allowing us to sin and causing us to sin/tempting us to sin. I believe He never causes us to sin or tempts us to sin. I'm just not sure I'll ever understand, but I am confident that His plan for us often involves the dark places. What that means, I can't say. But through the darkest places, I know He holds our hands and sees the light at the end of the tunnel even when we can't. He sees the good that will come from it- the wisdom we'll be able to pass along, the hurts we'll be able to help others through, and the habits we'll be able to help others avoid. A great verse to illustrate that is Psalm 37:23-24... "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in His way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand."
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." Lamentations 3:22-25
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act." Psalms 37:3-5
1. There is a time for EVERYTHING.
I know I come back to this concept time and time again, but it just never ceases to speak to me. Right now it is encouraging to me because in the past God called me to remove some things- good things even- from my life so that I may go to the wilderness that He may speak tenderly to me as in the days of my youth (Hosea 2). Ecclesiastes 3 is a promise that God is going to renew those areas of my life in His perfect timing. For now, there is nothing better than to "be joyful and to do good" and remember that "He has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecc. 3:12, 11)
2. He brings us to the wilderness to prepare us for His plan
Throughout the Bible there are examples of this. Moses is a prime example. He fled to the desert. There he was a shepherd. While the Bible doesn't give a lot of specifications of those years in the desert, I know God was preparing him for the day "I AM" would approach him and speak his destiny over him. I feel like I'm in the desert right now. Not in the sense that my life is dry but that I'm in a time of preparation. I refuse to rush through this season, but also look forward to what my future holds... All His ways and plans are perfect. He is the Author and Perfecter of all things.
3. He gives us talents so that we may prove our faithfulness
I keep looking at that sentence because I'm not sure I said that right. However, hopefully you will know what I mean. We must be stewards of small things before we can be stewards over more. The Lord asked me to step back from some of the things I was stewarding. Now we're starting over again on a much smaller scale. Sometimes I want to jump ahead, but I know this will help me to be much more faithful in the small things and over bigger things when they come. I'm thankful for everything He gives me to steward right now. May I always be grateful for such...
4. He reminds me of His faithfulness when I most need it.
Little example. Today I started a new job. I was moderately excited for this job... Well, mostly for the pay which I expected to be good. However, today turned out to be a very long day during which I made a total of around $15. Slightly discouraging to say the least. So I'm standing in Andy's Alligators in my neon yellow Party Pics polo typing out a text to my mom saying that I wish there was someone in the sorority I was taking pictures of that I knew so it wouldn't be so awkward when a girl walks up, reminds me of her name, and says she goes to Antioch. I just had to smile. Thanks God. Little things like that remind me that you are with me in the mediocre. You never leave my side.
5. Sometimes God doesn't work the way we think He would.
God has a perfect character. Of that, I have no doubt. However, I am convinced that He works in ways we don't/can't understand. I've been thinking a lot about that fact and sin. I have very much been thinking lately about whether His plan for us sometimes involves sin. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make myself clear, but I wonder if... Well it's a tricky tightrope between God allowing us to sin and causing us to sin/tempting us to sin. I believe He never causes us to sin or tempts us to sin. I'm just not sure I'll ever understand, but I am confident that His plan for us often involves the dark places. What that means, I can't say. But through the darkest places, I know He holds our hands and sees the light at the end of the tunnel even when we can't. He sees the good that will come from it- the wisdom we'll be able to pass along, the hurts we'll be able to help others through, and the habits we'll be able to help others avoid. A great verse to illustrate that is Psalm 37:23-24... "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in His way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand."
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." Lamentations 3:22-25
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act." Psalms 37:3-5
Friday, August 13, 2010
Coming Soon...
I try to read regularly... No, correction, I'm really always reading something. However, it seems that I never get as much as I want read. I try not to get overwhelmed with the enormous list of books I want to read and just enjoy what's in my hands at the time. Nevertheless, here is a list of some up and coming books. I'll write little "reviews" as I cross them off the list....
Currently reading:

It's a classic. Somehow I've never read this series, so here we go. I'm halfway through this one and then will continue on to the "Lord of the Rings"...
Up and Coming:

I've heard it's fantastic. REALLY looking forward to this one...

If there's a man from the Bible who understood forgiveness, I say it was without a doubt Joseph. I want to study this man and learn to forgive as he did...

I know close to nothing about this book. However, it seems to be an up and coming series. I'd like to figure out what it's all about.

Every now and then I try to read a solid graphic novel. I watched this movie and really enjoyed it. Therefore, this is the next graphic novel on my list...

I want more of you Jesus...

I've heard that this is a fantastic answer to a growing problem. I live in a confused society. I desire as much wisdom in this area as I can get.
Well... That's what's coming soon. I'm excited!
Currently reading:
It's a classic. Somehow I've never read this series, so here we go. I'm halfway through this one and then will continue on to the "Lord of the Rings"...
Up and Coming:
I've heard it's fantastic. REALLY looking forward to this one...
If there's a man from the Bible who understood forgiveness, I say it was without a doubt Joseph. I want to study this man and learn to forgive as he did...
I know close to nothing about this book. However, it seems to be an up and coming series. I'd like to figure out what it's all about.
Every now and then I try to read a solid graphic novel. I watched this movie and really enjoyed it. Therefore, this is the next graphic novel on my list...
I want more of you Jesus...
I've heard that this is a fantastic answer to a growing problem. I live in a confused society. I desire as much wisdom in this area as I can get.
Well... That's what's coming soon. I'm excited!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
...Is good. I'm so lacking in words for it right now. I feel suspended. I'm content and yet have a deep longing. I just want to sit in His presence and let Him explain what I'm feeling. I'm reminded of my heartsong from senior year. The words once again resonate deep within me...
I need words
As wide as sky
I need language large as
This longing inside
And I need a voice
Bigger than mine
And I need a song to sing You
That I've yet to find
I need You,
Oh, I need You
I need You,
Oh, I need You
To be here now
To be here now
To hear me now
To hear me now
"I Need Words"
David Crowder
That's all for now. I'm gonna go soak up some life from the Lover of my soul... He's so good to me. It amazes me yet never enough...
I need words
As wide as sky
I need language large as
This longing inside
And I need a voice
Bigger than mine
And I need a song to sing You
That I've yet to find
I need You,
Oh, I need You
I need You,
Oh, I need You
To be here now
To be here now
To hear me now
To hear me now
"I Need Words"
David Crowder
That's all for now. I'm gonna go soak up some life from the Lover of my soul... He's so good to me. It amazes me yet never enough...
Monday, August 9, 2010
To Chew On...
-Francis Chan
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame Banquet
Every year my dad sponsors the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame banquet. For the first time in a while, it worked out for my whole family to go this year! Keypoints included Troy Aikman being inducted and giving a speech, Don Demeter's friend giving a hilarious speech, and my dad's brand new speech (He's stuck with the same one for the past 6 years). My dad was on a roll. Those moments are always nerve-wracking for my mom, sister and I. Even if we think it's funny, we never know how everyone else is going to react! But it seemed to go pretty well. Great job Daddy = ) Here are some pics from the night!!

Mikayla, Me, Chan

My hair. Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of myself for creating this!!

Chan's hair (Creation of Mom)

My sweet cousin, Mikayla!

Dad flashin' a smile out at the audience hahah

Troy Aikman giving his speech

Me and the fam fam

Mikayla, Me, Chan
My hair. Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of myself for creating this!!

Chan's hair (Creation of Mom)

My sweet cousin, Mikayla!
Dad flashin' a smile out at the audience hahah
Troy Aikman giving his speech
Me and the fam fam
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