Currently reading:
It's a classic. Somehow I've never read this series, so here we go. I'm halfway through this one and then will continue on to the "Lord of the Rings"...
Up and Coming:
I've heard it's fantastic. REALLY looking forward to this one...
If there's a man from the Bible who understood forgiveness, I say it was without a doubt Joseph. I want to study this man and learn to forgive as he did...
I know close to nothing about this book. However, it seems to be an up and coming series. I'd like to figure out what it's all about.
Every now and then I try to read a solid graphic novel. I watched this movie and really enjoyed it. Therefore, this is the next graphic novel on my list...
I want more of you Jesus...
I've heard that this is a fantastic answer to a growing problem. I live in a confused society. I desire as much wisdom in this area as I can get.
Well... That's what's coming soon. I'm excited!
We were on a USO bus tour to Konstanz Germany yesterday and the girl in the row across from us was reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” ...what a coincidence I had never heard of this book and now twice in one day I have seen the book cover~