The year 2011 is coming to an end, and it got me thinking. Every year I attempt to make New Years Resolutions. Yes, sometimes they've actually happened, but for the most part... It just doesn't happen. The biggest hinderance is not my lack of motivation but the idea that I have a whole year in front of me to get it done. Well, I have decided to try something new this year. I am making End of Year Resolutions. Nothing huge, just a couple of goals I have for myself before we ring in the New Years. So here we go...
1. Lose 2 more pounds. Yes I'm aware this is cliche and silly BUT I gained between 15 and 20 pounds during 2010, and this year I have lost all of that except 2 pounds. It's gonna happen folks-- and it's gonna happen WITHOUT me cutting out all the holiday yummys. Just watch.
2. Pay off my debt. This sounds much more intense than it really is. It really just means making sure all of my credit cards are completely paid off when I start the New Year. I want to start the New Year owing no man anything except to love them in Jesus Christ.
So those are my End of Year Resolutions. What are yours??
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Opinion From the Other Side...
Many of you responded to my twitter about my professor's discussion of Christian missionaries in Africa today. One hundred and forty characters isn't enough to explain so I thought I would link you all to my blog. My teacher is a Kenyan man who was a kid when what is known as the "Mau Mau Rebellion" occurred in Kenya. This was a native rebellion against the British colonial government. Both of his parents were what he called "devout Christians." While he has never shared where he stands, I have gathered that he is rather indifferent to religion. He doesn't seem bitter towards it or even opposed. He might even be a believer, but he just doesn't really discuss it so it's hard to tell. Today a student asked about what caused the divisions between Kenyans in the rebellion. Economic divisions are discussed most, but the student asked if there were more reasons. Jid (my professor) replied that it was a great question because while class differences were a big contributor, religion was also very influential. He went on to call himself a "product of missionary schools". He said that Christian missionaries have really helped African educational systems. Additionally, he pointed out that they have brought lots of medicine and helped the overall health of Africans. However, when the Africans wanted to build their own government and get out from under colonial powers (much as the US did a couple hundred years earlier), the missionaries often sided with the colonial government. This placed Christian Africans in an awkward place. Their leaders were telling them to essentially fight against their brothers, creating Civil Wars. For example, my professor had a paternal uncle fighting for the Mau Mau and a maternal uncle fighting for the British, much as we saw in our own Civil War. He said that this occurred not only in Kenya but in many other countries like Zimbabwe and Mozambique. True, in the case of the Mau Mau, Christians did not want to have to take the Mau Mau oath to kill, but that does not mean they wanted to fight for the cause of the colonial powers either. All in all, Jid seemed to feel that the pros of missionaries outweighed the cons, but it got me thinking... Why do we so often try to force our comfort zones onto natives? We should be supporting local governments and being a help, not a harm to them. Yes, colonial struggles are now completely over in Africa, but it is still up to us to aid in the building of strong and successful governments, not to create divisions amongst the people. That's really all that was said, but, at least for me, it was food for thought.
Did you know that after the horrors of World War 2, concentration camps were used throughout Africa (such as in Kenya, as seen below) where prisoners were tortured and thousands of women and children died of malnutrition and disease?
Did you know that after the horrors of World War 2, concentration camps were used throughout Africa (such as in Kenya, as seen below) where prisoners were tortured and thousands of women and children died of malnutrition and disease?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This is one of those weeks of school that you just have to grit your teeth and plow through. I've been amazed at how much harder each semester of school has gotten. I know that's the idea, but as soon as I manage to get my study skills to match my classes, they get harder! Anyway, I'm really just procrastinating as I should be hitting the books right now, but I thought I'd make a list of what I will do once I turn in my last paper on Friday instead. So here we go...
1. Sleep
2. Work out
3. Sleep
4. Get groceries so I can stop eating black beans for every meal.
5. Try out my new Holga cam
6. Go on an adventure with Abbey (I haven't run this past her yet, but I'm sure she'll accommodate)
7. Prepare for the pinnacle of Kevinmas (Monday, October 24)
8. Cheer the Sooners on to victory
9. Watch a movie
10. Do my nails
BAM. Glad I got that figured out. Now back to studying for my Fall of the Roman Empire midterm tomorrow. Woot woot!
1. Sleep
2. Work out
3. Sleep
4. Get groceries so I can stop eating black beans for every meal.
5. Try out my new Holga cam
6. Go on an adventure with Abbey (I haven't run this past her yet, but I'm sure she'll accommodate)
7. Prepare for the pinnacle of Kevinmas (Monday, October 24)
8. Cheer the Sooners on to victory
9. Watch a movie
10. Do my nails
BAM. Glad I got that figured out. Now back to studying for my Fall of the Roman Empire midterm tomorrow. Woot woot!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
9 Years Ago...
9 years ago today, I gained another little sister. It is blowing me away that she is SERIOUSLY 9. I don't even know how that's possible. Here are some of my favorite pictures of her. Man, I love this little girl. I hate that she lives so far away now. Happy birthday Halle! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011
A Day For...
Today is a day for...
Learning more about the art of picture taking
Downloading beautiful fonts
Enjoying this day that the Lord has made
Taking fall inspire pictures
Feeling at peace.
I'm so thankful for days without commitments that allow me to enjoy life. Thank you Jesus for today!
Learning more about the art of picture taking
Downloading beautiful fonts
Enjoying this day that the Lord has made
Taking fall inspire pictures
Feeling at peace.
I'm so thankful for days without commitments that allow me to enjoy life. Thank you Jesus for today!
Monday, September 12, 2011
"You're Jacob, my first choice,
descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world,
called you in from every dark corner of the earth,
Telling you, 'You're my servant, serving on my side.
I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.'
Don't panic. I'm with you...
Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob?
Don't be afraid.
Feel like a fragile insect, Israel?
I'll help you.
I, God, want to reassure you.
The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
I'm transforming you from worm to harrow,
from insect to iron.
As a sharp-toothed harrow you'll smooth out the mountains,
turn those tough old hills into loamy soil.
You'll open the rough ground to the weather,
to the blasts of sun and wind and rain.
But you'll be confident and exuberant,
expansive in The Holy of Israel!"
{Excerpts from Isaiah 41 in the Message}
Isn't it beautiful to know we are chosen??
descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world,
called you in from every dark corner of the earth,
Telling you, 'You're my servant, serving on my side.
I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.'
Don't panic. I'm with you...
Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob?
Don't be afraid.
Feel like a fragile insect, Israel?
I'll help you.
I, God, want to reassure you.
The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
I'm transforming you from worm to harrow,
from insect to iron.
As a sharp-toothed harrow you'll smooth out the mountains,
turn those tough old hills into loamy soil.
You'll open the rough ground to the weather,
to the blasts of sun and wind and rain.
But you'll be confident and exuberant,
expansive in The Holy of Israel!"
{Excerpts from Isaiah 41 in the Message}
Isn't it beautiful to know we are chosen??
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Order From Chaos
Just read this in a book for school and was reminded on the consistency of God. He's so good!
-The Letters of Paul: Conversations in Context (Calvin J. Roetzel)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
God reminded and revealed the most beautiful thing to me last night as I was falling asleep! When Christ died He took all our punishment. He bore it all!! That means that God never punishes our sin. Sometimes our sins punish us, but in Him there is only freedom! That means that God doesn't take away things or hurt us because of our sins. He just doesn't!! Everything that is taken away from us is not punishment! When good things are taken away, they are stolen by the enemy. He has come to kill, steal, and destroy, but Christ has come that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). God never desires to hurt us. However, just as a loving Daddy will take away something that will hurt us, our Abba is watching out for us diligently. His desire is never to make us miserable. He hates to see us hurt. That is not His heart's desire, but He sees the big picture and desires to take us to the most abundant place possible. Sometimes we kick and scream. And consequently, sometimes He leaves us to what we think is best for us. After all, He never desired for us to be robots. He gives us free will. Just as Moses made decisions that kept him from ever reaching the promised land, we can choose to not move forward into the destiny God has for us. But... if God has the best for us, why would we not want that?? Why would I not want to follow Him to deeper and better places? He has promised abundant life. He has promised to restore the years the locust stole (Joel 2:25). When we seek Him, He doubles the portion that the enemy stole (Job 42:10). But wait-- He doesn't promise it will be easy. It's often in the valley that He speaks to us (Ezekiel 3:22), but He promises to walk through that valley with us (Psalm 23:4). He calls us His. He calls us precious and honored, promising to never leave us in our trials (Isaiah 43). The way is narrow. It's not always easy, but it's good. Because He is all good and desires to lead His children to abundance. Praise Him!
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Baby House
During the time I spent at the Iris compound, I spent as much time as possible in what is called the Baby House. The Baby House is essentially where the toddlers live. You can go and play with them on their playground, or help get them all fed at meals, or just hold them after their baths before bed. During certain times, you could take individual kids out to get some one-on-one times. This is where the Lord really drew and broke my heart. I miss these precious children more than I thought was possible!!!

This is two year old Chelsia. If I could, I would have brought her home. She has my heart and I think of her all the time. Her birthday is in just a couple of days!! Missing her...

The little girls LOVED having their nails painted = )

Steph with Marta, another super sweet little girl. One of my strongest memories of her is walking into the Baby House and making eye contact with her. She looked at me with those big eyes, pointed to herself and whispered, "Me?" WOW... Nothing will break your heart quite like that. Marta, I declare that God has CHOSEN YOU. He picks you. You are not rejected or leftover. You are His princess!!!

We let Marta and Chelsia help us bake a cake one day. They were SO serious about it, and you should have seen their faces when we let them try the icing. I don't think they've ever had that much sugar!

Jesse also grew really close to some of the children in the Baby House. This little guy was his buddy = )

LOOK AT THAT SMILE! Ernesto had a giggle and smile like you couldn't believe. He and his friend were major charmers.

Catching bubbles!

Remember, if you would like to sponsor a child through Iris Ministries, you can go to
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Village of Takka
The first overnight outreach I went on was to a village called Takka. It was by far one of my favorite experiences while I was in Mozambique. We pitched tents and spent the weekend playing with kids and breaking bread with the pastor and his family. I wish I could capture some of the moments that will always be engrained in my mind... Sitting outside and looking at the stars with nothing to do but talk to my amazing team members... Sifting through beans by lamp light for the church dinner... Singing "The Body of Jesus" by lamp light while holding hands with some of the most beautiful people... It was an unforgettable experience. Such a beautiful village!!

{more posts to come SOON}
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Children's Day
At Iris Ministries, June 1 is a holiday that rivals Christmas. They call it Children's Day, and it's just that-- a day all for kids. All the children receive gift packages, and that evening there is a big special dinner and program. Iris also brings in children from the Bocaria (the local trash dump) and include them in the festivities (they get presents too!) Excitement buzzes in the air that day. With so many children, little is done to celebrate birthdays, so this acts as a sort of "Every Kid's Birthday" holiday. Everyone loves it. It was so much fun getting to be a part of it while we were there!

I have this affinity for pictures of hands holding things. I spent last week in Maine with my family and cousins. One day while hiking, my cousins found a bunch of blueberry patches. Goodness, those things were GOOD. I've never gotten to taste a blueberry right off the bush before, but I could get used to it = ). I grabbed this picture of my cousin with a handful of blueberries and it just makes me smile. Our Creator has created so many fun colors, textures and flavors. He's so fun!

Monday, May 23, 2011
Spring Rains
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Jesus Let Me See Your Eyes
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mozambique T-Shirts
Hi friends!
This week I am taking orders for t-shirts to help raise money for my trip to Mozambique. There are two designs...

Lionel the Lion

Geoffrey the Giraffe!
The shirts are a brand that is comparable to the American Apparel 50/25/25 crew necks. We are selling them for $15 each. AND to top it off, it's ALL PROFIT! So every shirt bought will be a significant help to get us to Mozambique!! If you would like one, you can message me on Facebook OR email me at I will help get payments and orders straightened out from there. We have a limited number of shirts for the first order so hurry and let me know if you want one! Thanks so much!!
This week I am taking orders for t-shirts to help raise money for my trip to Mozambique. There are two designs...

Lionel the Lion

Geoffrey the Giraffe!
The shirts are a brand that is comparable to the American Apparel 50/25/25 crew necks. We are selling them for $15 each. AND to top it off, it's ALL PROFIT! So every shirt bought will be a significant help to get us to Mozambique!! If you would like one, you can message me on Facebook OR email me at I will help get payments and orders straightened out from there. We have a limited number of shirts for the first order so hurry and let me know if you want one! Thanks so much!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
More Information...
In only 29 days my team and I will be on our way to Mozambique! I thought I'd give a little more info about the trip so you can be praying. We don't know the specifics of what we'll be doing while we're there. We are just going to be put to use however they need us! HOWEVER, the team there sent us a packet, and it included some of the ministry activities we'll likely be involved in...
Bocaria (Garbage Dump) Children's Ministry: Every Wednesday, the Bocaria ministry involves Bible teaching games and songs and the opportunity to talk and pray with the children of the area.
Khongolote and Machava Children's Center: These are two children's centers where we can go to spend time with children. While there we will play games, pray, possibly preach and work to bless the workers however we can.
Bush Outreaches:Each weekend the revival team takes groups for day trips and overnight trips in the bush. These outreaches obviously involve evangelism and ministry in more remote communities.
Street Ministry: Every Tuesday and Wednesday evening, groups (including the children who live in the Center), have an outreach into the city of Maputo. These involve church services with the homeless and local people, ministry in the prisons as well as ministering to those we meet.
I know that this only touches all the things we will have opportunities to do. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I can't wait to see how God moves. I've been reading, "There Is Always Enough" by Rolland and Heidi Baker. It is a book about the beginnings of their ministry in Mozambique, and it is changing the way I look at God. I can't wait to be out there. If you are looking for a good book to read... I HIGHLY recommend it. Thank you all for all of your prayers and support!!
Bocaria (Garbage Dump) Children's Ministry: Every Wednesday, the Bocaria ministry involves Bible teaching games and songs and the opportunity to talk and pray with the children of the area.
Khongolote and Machava Children's Center: These are two children's centers where we can go to spend time with children. While there we will play games, pray, possibly preach and work to bless the workers however we can.
Bush Outreaches:Each weekend the revival team takes groups for day trips and overnight trips in the bush. These outreaches obviously involve evangelism and ministry in more remote communities.
Street Ministry: Every Tuesday and Wednesday evening, groups (including the children who live in the Center), have an outreach into the city of Maputo. These involve church services with the homeless and local people, ministry in the prisons as well as ministering to those we meet.
I know that this only touches all the things we will have opportunities to do. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I can't wait to see how God moves. I've been reading, "There Is Always Enough" by Rolland and Heidi Baker. It is a book about the beginnings of their ministry in Mozambique, and it is changing the way I look at God. I can't wait to be out there. If you are looking for a good book to read... I HIGHLY recommend it. Thank you all for all of your prayers and support!!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Okay so this is a little late in coming BUT this June I'M GOING TO MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE with a group from my church. I am SO EXCITED!!!! Life is too crazy and busy right now for me to give many details BUT if you're interested in helping me get there, please email me at I'll make sure and email you back with the info = ) In the near future, I'll write more about what my trip is going to look like. However, I wanted to let you all know that little detail about my life. Here are two team pictures....

Team members are...
Payton, Adam, Jeremy, Jesse, Jenny, Rachel, Katey, Stephanie, Heather, Kelsey, Kevin, and me!!
So thankful for everyone's prayers. You all are such an encouragement to me = )
More later!

Team members are...
Payton, Adam, Jeremy, Jesse, Jenny, Rachel, Katey, Stephanie, Heather, Kelsey, Kevin, and me!!
So thankful for everyone's prayers. You all are such an encouragement to me = )
More later!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Makenzi the Bold
Last spring, I hit a turning point in my life. It happened one night after a school event. Insecure and hating to mingle, I quickly dashed back up to my dorm. I knew I was probably missing out by having not stayed around, but I said, "Oh, I'm just shy." I'm just shy. The words I had used as a crutch my entire life. Suddenly, I was fed up with it. I had heard my pastor and a leader within the College saying that we weren't meant to be shy. Sure, some of us are more outgoing or introverted than others. We all have a personality, but God never meant for us to be SHY. If you think about it, that excuse never worked for anyone in the Bible. It was always, "But I'll be with you." So, on that night I decided I was no longer Makenzi the Shy. I was Makenzi the Bold. Since that day I've been declaring that over myself, and it has worked wonders. I am much more confident in group situations than I ever was before. God made me to be His bold daughter. I am meant to boldly proclaim the work of the Lord. I'm also called to community and to a life of joy!! Today, I read something that put this idea into powerful words. I thought I'd share = )
"Our relationship with God is always extrovert. No matter our personality type, we are called at some point to shout, sing aloud, rejoice, dance, and declare enthusiastically who He is for us.... Joy has no introversion. It is exuberant, ardent, earnest, excited, fervent, hearty, lively, wholehearted, and zealous. It is passionate, vehement, and fanatical in it's appreciation, value and impression of God... The point is, we must develop our relationship with God across the extremes of personality. Initially its tough, eventually it's fun. The Father did not make me to be an introvert only. He made me to be an introvert with joyful, passionate, exuberant intimacy."
-Graham Cooke
"Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior
So if you're ever tempted to draw back in insecurity. Or if you think God made you to be shy. NO MORE! Start declaring that you are his bold son or daughter!!!
"Our relationship with God is always extrovert. No matter our personality type, we are called at some point to shout, sing aloud, rejoice, dance, and declare enthusiastically who He is for us.... Joy has no introversion. It is exuberant, ardent, earnest, excited, fervent, hearty, lively, wholehearted, and zealous. It is passionate, vehement, and fanatical in it's appreciation, value and impression of God... The point is, we must develop our relationship with God across the extremes of personality. Initially its tough, eventually it's fun. The Father did not make me to be an introvert only. He made me to be an introvert with joyful, passionate, exuberant intimacy."
-Graham Cooke
"Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior
So if you're ever tempted to draw back in insecurity. Or if you think God made you to be shy. NO MORE! Start declaring that you are his bold son or daughter!!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Journal Entry
Sorry it's been SO long since I've blogged. This semester has been absolutely crazy as I've added a job to my schedule and have been working around 30 hours a week along with being a full time student and church stuff. Sheesh! But I am loving every minute of it and God is continuing to reveal Himself in new and exciting ways. While I hope to actually blog soon, here is a journal entry from my trip home from San Diego (I went there with my church over Spring Break- another post, another time). Enjoy!
Oh how sweet it is to know God has a marvelous plan. How comforting it is to know He has it all under control. Driving through the deserts of Arizona is an experience unlike any other. There are mountains in the distance but they're shrouded in fog. The sand and bushes stretch on in a seemingly endless fashion. I have a peace that is afraid of no deserts or valleys. The Lion of Judah walks beside me. He chuckles in my ear over the lies of the enemy. He says, "You hear that?" as He smiles at the absurdity of the enemy's puny roars. He is good. Life is good by His side-- my most faithful and kind friend.
His goodness is unending. It never ceases.
Blessings friends!
Oh how sweet it is to know God has a marvelous plan. How comforting it is to know He has it all under control. Driving through the deserts of Arizona is an experience unlike any other. There are mountains in the distance but they're shrouded in fog. The sand and bushes stretch on in a seemingly endless fashion. I have a peace that is afraid of no deserts or valleys. The Lion of Judah walks beside me. He chuckles in my ear over the lies of the enemy. He says, "You hear that?" as He smiles at the absurdity of the enemy's puny roars. He is good. Life is good by His side-- my most faithful and kind friend.
His goodness is unending. It never ceases.
Blessings friends!
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Nature of God
Okay guys... I just want to share a lovely prophetic word from a man named Graham Cooke. This guy is a true prophet. He speaks the heart of God and many of his sermons, etc have been super instrumental in my life. Recently I was introduced to "The Nature of God." I have listened to it so many times that I couldn't begin to give you a count. I really can't help but share it. It's incredible. So I'm going to attach videos of it. It's 20 min long which I know is kind of long, so when you get a chance, kick back, close your eyes, listen, and let God speak to you. Man it's good...
Falling Into Deeper Waters
Faith. If there is one word to describe this season of life it's faith. It's a time of uncertainty. I haven't the slightest idea what my future is going to look like. All I can do is have faith. God is good. And He gives good gifts. This is a time of character building, trials, molding, and oh so much growth. It can be scary, but it's so so good... So here I am in this season, and I'm taking the plunge. I'm going into deeper waters calling out to Him. He has said that the flood waters will not overwhelm me (Isaiah 43) so I choose to go deeper and deeper. I want to get more lost in Him.
The attached video is the best I could find of a song we've been singing at church lately. I love the lines "We're falling into deeper waters calling out to You" and "I've got a river of living water; a fountain that never will run dry." I'm choosing to take the plunge.
The attached video is the best I could find of a song we've been singing at church lately. I love the lines "We're falling into deeper waters calling out to You" and "I've got a river of living water; a fountain that never will run dry." I'm choosing to take the plunge.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Reasons I'm Excited for This Semester...
As a new semester begins, there is SO much to look forward to. Here are a few of the things on the TOP of my list...
(1) Awaken Conference- This weekend my church is hosting a conference and I'm soooo excited. If you're interested in coming, you can get info about it at
(2) Valentine's Party- This year's Valentines party with the girls is shaping up to be suuuper fun... More details to follow = )
(3) ACM Norman's Spring Break Trip "Revive"- I didn't go on this trip last year, but this year I'm packing up and heading out to San Diego to bring the kingdom with my sweet friends
(4) Passion Fort Worth- For the first time ever I'm getting to go to Passion!!! I've been wanting to do this for yeeearrrs now, and FINALLY I get to go this year!! My bestie Megan and I are going to Passion Fort Worth this April and it will be unforgettable = )
(5) New Year, Clean Slate- I'm so excited about having a brand new year to see God write my story on. I'm looking forward to seeing what He has planned!!
Bring it on Spring 2011!
Bahahah yes... I did just say that...
(1) Awaken Conference- This weekend my church is hosting a conference and I'm soooo excited. If you're interested in coming, you can get info about it at
(2) Valentine's Party- This year's Valentines party with the girls is shaping up to be suuuper fun... More details to follow = )
(3) ACM Norman's Spring Break Trip "Revive"- I didn't go on this trip last year, but this year I'm packing up and heading out to San Diego to bring the kingdom with my sweet friends
(4) Passion Fort Worth- For the first time ever I'm getting to go to Passion!!! I've been wanting to do this for yeeearrrs now, and FINALLY I get to go this year!! My bestie Megan and I are going to Passion Fort Worth this April and it will be unforgettable = )
(5) New Year, Clean Slate- I'm so excited about having a brand new year to see God write my story on. I'm looking forward to seeing what He has planned!!
Bring it on Spring 2011!
Bahahah yes... I did just say that...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Headed to Colorado
In a few hours, my family and I are heading to the airport and flying to Colorado! I'm so, so excited to spend some time with them and get a few great days of refreshment in before starting another crazy semester. I wanted to make some goals for myself on this trip to make sure that I remain intentional. Here they go!
(1.) Read at least two books (Emma and Celebration of Discipline)
(2.) Go on a date with Chan to get in some more sister time before we get crazy and never see each other = (
(3.) Go on morning walks with Jesus
(4.) Meet somebody
(5.) Attempt to capture the beauty of winter in a picture or two
Five is good. They may seem simple, but I'll report back on whether or not I do them. I hope you all are having a wonderful last week of break for those who are still off school and a great first week back to those who aren't. And to all of you who aren't even in school... Well I hope you're having a good week! Hah
(1.) Read at least two books (Emma and Celebration of Discipline)
(2.) Go on a date with Chan to get in some more sister time before we get crazy and never see each other = (
(3.) Go on morning walks with Jesus
(4.) Meet somebody
(5.) Attempt to capture the beauty of winter in a picture or two
Five is good. They may seem simple, but I'll report back on whether or not I do them. I hope you all are having a wonderful last week of break for those who are still off school and a great first week back to those who aren't. And to all of you who aren't even in school... Well I hope you're having a good week! Hah
Sunday, January 9, 2011
"W" Looking Pants
Tonight my family an I watched home videos. Last Christmas we had all of our videos put onto DVDs and I love watching them together. But tonight one of the scenes gave me something to think about... It opened to a 3 year old me crying and Mom talking to me. After listening for a moment you realize that I'm upset because in a picture I drew, the pants looked like a "W" so I got angry and "teared it up.". Both Mom and Dad are trying to make me feel better, reasoning with me that I draw very well for a 3 year old etc etc. However, you can tell they're trying not to laugh. Finally I just curled up in Mom's lap and wanted to be held.
I couldn't help but think about how God must see us and our problems. We act like the world is coming to an end, and may even feel that way. He isn't condescending or rude. He doesn't tell us to shut up because our problems are no big deal. Rather, seeing that we're making a fuss out of something that is going to turn out okay in the end, He reasons with us, speaks identity over us, asks us to go try again, and finally welcomes us when we go to be held. He knows it's going to be alright. He sees the big picture. He has a plan. He isn't stressing out about what to do or how he's going to fix our big mistake. All He does is listen and love. Man, that's a beautiful picture. I had to share. Hopefully it touched you like it did me. So if you ever feel like everything is going wrong, remember the "W pants" and run to Abba. He'll take care of it...
I couldn't help but think about how God must see us and our problems. We act like the world is coming to an end, and may even feel that way. He isn't condescending or rude. He doesn't tell us to shut up because our problems are no big deal. Rather, seeing that we're making a fuss out of something that is going to turn out okay in the end, He reasons with us, speaks identity over us, asks us to go try again, and finally welcomes us when we go to be held. He knows it's going to be alright. He sees the big picture. He has a plan. He isn't stressing out about what to do or how he's going to fix our big mistake. All He does is listen and love. Man, that's a beautiful picture. I had to share. Hopefully it touched you like it did me. So if you ever feel like everything is going wrong, remember the "W pants" and run to Abba. He'll take care of it...
Friday, January 7, 2011
Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know
I came across this article on yahoo, and while it was humorous, I also found it so sad!! I thought I'd share...
Video tape: Starting this year, the news stories we produce here at Money Talks have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape. Not only that, the tape-less broadcast camera we use today offers much higher quality than anything that could have been imagined 10 years ago -- and cost less than the lens on the camera we were using previously.
Travel agents: While not dead today, this profession is one of many that's been decimated by the Internet. When it's time for their honeymoon, will those born in 2011 be able to find one?
The separation of work and home: When you're carrying an email-equipped computer in your pocket, it's not just your friends who can find you -- so can your boss. For kids born this year, the wall between office and home will be blurry indeed.
Books, magazines, and newspapers: Like video tape, words written on dead trees are on their way out. Sure, there may be books -- but for those born today, stores that exist solely to sell them will be as numerous as record stores are now.
Movie rental stores: You actually got in your car and drove someplace just to rent a movie?
Watches: Maybe as quaint jewelry, but the correct time is on your smartphone, which is pretty much always in your hand.
Paper maps: At one time these were available free at every gas station. They're practically obsolete today, and the next generation will probably have to visit a museum to find one.
Wired phones: Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.
Long distance: Thanks to the Internet, the days of paying more to talk to somebody in the next city, state, or even country are limited.
Newspaper classifieds: The days are gone when you have to buy a bunch of newsprint just to see what's for sale.
Dial-up Internet: While not everyone is on broadband, it won't be long before dial-up Internet goes the way of the plug-in phone.
Encyclopedias: Imagine a time when you had to buy expensive books that were outdated before the ink was dry. This will be a nonsense term for babies born today.
Forgotten friends: Remember when an old friend would bring up someone you went to high school with, and you'd say, "Oh yeah, I forgot about them!" The next generation will automatically be in touch with everyone they've ever known even slightly via Facebook.
So, so true...
Forgotten anything else: Kids born this year will never know what it was like to stand in a bar and incessantly argue the unknowable. Today the world's collective knowledge is on the computer in your pocket or purse. And since you have it with you at all times, why bother remembering anything?
The evening news: The news is on 24/7. And if you're not home to watch it, that's OK -- it's on the smartphone in your pocket.
CDs: First records, then 8-track, then cassette, then CDs -- replacing your music collection used to be an expensive pastime. Now it's cheap(er) and as close as the nearest Internet connection.
Film cameras: For the purist, perhaps, but for kids born today, the word "film" will mean nothing. In fact, even digital cameras -- both video and still -- are in danger of extinction as our pocket computers take over that function too.
Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?
Catalogs: There's no need to send me a book in the mail when I can see everything you have for sale anywhere, anytime. If you want to remind me to look at it, send me an email.
Fax machines: Can you say "scan," ".pdf" and "email?"
One picture to a frame: Such a waste of wall/counter/desk space to have a separate frame around each picture. Eight gigabytes of pictures and/or video in a digital frame encompassing every person you've ever met and everything you've ever done -- now, that's efficient. Especially compared to what we used to do: put our friends and relatives together in a room and force them to watch what we called a "slide show" or "home movies."
Wires: Wires connecting phones to walls? Wires connecting computers, TVs, stereos, and other electronics to each other? Wires connecting computers to the Internet? To kids born in 2011, that will make as much sense as an electric car trailing an extension cord.
Hand-written letters: For that matter, hand-written anything. When was the last time you wrote cursive? In fact, do you even know what the word "cursive" means? Kids born in 2011 won't -- but they'll put you to shame on a tiny keyboard.
Talking to one person at a time: Remember when it was rude to be with one person while talking to another on the phone? Kids born today will just assume that you're supposed to use texting to maintain contact with five or six other people while pretending to pay attention to the person you happen to be physically next to.
Retirement plans: Yes, Johnny, there was a time when all you had to do was work at the same place for 20 years and they'd send you a check every month for as long as you lived. In fact, some companies would even pay your medical bills, too!
Mail: What's left when you take the mail you receive today, then subtract the bills you could be paying online, the checks you could be having direct-deposited, and the junk mail you could be receiving as junk email? Answer: A bloated bureaucracy that loses billions of taxpayer dollars annually.
Commercials on TV: They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them -- as with video on the Internet -- who's going to pay for them?
Commercial music radio: Smartphones with music-streaming programs like Pandora are a better solution that doesn't include ads screaming between every song.
Hiding: Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. Now your phone is not only in your pocket, it can potentially tell everyone -- including advertisers -- exactly where you are.
Video tape: Starting this year, the news stories we produce here at Money Talks have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape. Not only that, the tape-less broadcast camera we use today offers much higher quality than anything that could have been imagined 10 years ago -- and cost less than the lens on the camera we were using previously.
Travel agents: While not dead today, this profession is one of many that's been decimated by the Internet. When it's time for their honeymoon, will those born in 2011 be able to find one?
The separation of work and home: When you're carrying an email-equipped computer in your pocket, it's not just your friends who can find you -- so can your boss. For kids born this year, the wall between office and home will be blurry indeed.
Books, magazines, and newspapers: Like video tape, words written on dead trees are on their way out. Sure, there may be books -- but for those born today, stores that exist solely to sell them will be as numerous as record stores are now.
Movie rental stores: You actually got in your car and drove someplace just to rent a movie?
Watches: Maybe as quaint jewelry, but the correct time is on your smartphone, which is pretty much always in your hand.
Paper maps: At one time these were available free at every gas station. They're practically obsolete today, and the next generation will probably have to visit a museum to find one.
Wired phones: Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.
Long distance: Thanks to the Internet, the days of paying more to talk to somebody in the next city, state, or even country are limited.
Newspaper classifieds: The days are gone when you have to buy a bunch of newsprint just to see what's for sale.
Dial-up Internet: While not everyone is on broadband, it won't be long before dial-up Internet goes the way of the plug-in phone.
Encyclopedias: Imagine a time when you had to buy expensive books that were outdated before the ink was dry. This will be a nonsense term for babies born today.
Forgotten friends: Remember when an old friend would bring up someone you went to high school with, and you'd say, "Oh yeah, I forgot about them!" The next generation will automatically be in touch with everyone they've ever known even slightly via Facebook.
So, so true...
Forgotten anything else: Kids born this year will never know what it was like to stand in a bar and incessantly argue the unknowable. Today the world's collective knowledge is on the computer in your pocket or purse. And since you have it with you at all times, why bother remembering anything?
The evening news: The news is on 24/7. And if you're not home to watch it, that's OK -- it's on the smartphone in your pocket.
CDs: First records, then 8-track, then cassette, then CDs -- replacing your music collection used to be an expensive pastime. Now it's cheap(er) and as close as the nearest Internet connection.
Film cameras: For the purist, perhaps, but for kids born today, the word "film" will mean nothing. In fact, even digital cameras -- both video and still -- are in danger of extinction as our pocket computers take over that function too.
Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?
Catalogs: There's no need to send me a book in the mail when I can see everything you have for sale anywhere, anytime. If you want to remind me to look at it, send me an email.
Fax machines: Can you say "scan," ".pdf" and "email?"
One picture to a frame: Such a waste of wall/counter/desk space to have a separate frame around each picture. Eight gigabytes of pictures and/or video in a digital frame encompassing every person you've ever met and everything you've ever done -- now, that's efficient. Especially compared to what we used to do: put our friends and relatives together in a room and force them to watch what we called a "slide show" or "home movies."
Wires: Wires connecting phones to walls? Wires connecting computers, TVs, stereos, and other electronics to each other? Wires connecting computers to the Internet? To kids born in 2011, that will make as much sense as an electric car trailing an extension cord.
Hand-written letters: For that matter, hand-written anything. When was the last time you wrote cursive? In fact, do you even know what the word "cursive" means? Kids born in 2011 won't -- but they'll put you to shame on a tiny keyboard.
Talking to one person at a time: Remember when it was rude to be with one person while talking to another on the phone? Kids born today will just assume that you're supposed to use texting to maintain contact with five or six other people while pretending to pay attention to the person you happen to be physically next to.
Retirement plans: Yes, Johnny, there was a time when all you had to do was work at the same place for 20 years and they'd send you a check every month for as long as you lived. In fact, some companies would even pay your medical bills, too!
Mail: What's left when you take the mail you receive today, then subtract the bills you could be paying online, the checks you could be having direct-deposited, and the junk mail you could be receiving as junk email? Answer: A bloated bureaucracy that loses billions of taxpayer dollars annually.
Commercials on TV: They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them -- as with video on the Internet -- who's going to pay for them?
Commercial music radio: Smartphones with music-streaming programs like Pandora are a better solution that doesn't include ads screaming between every song.
Hiding: Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. Now your phone is not only in your pocket, it can potentially tell everyone -- including advertisers -- exactly where you are.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My Website!
For the past couple of months I've been working on a website for my photography business, and I am happy to announce that TODAY my website has officially gone live!! Go check it out people... And give me some feedback = )
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I told myself I wasn't going to make a New Year's Resolution list this year... Not because I have no vision or no goals, but because I rarely end up accomplishing my goals!! But... Alas, I have changed my mind... First, let's check out which of last year's resolutions I accomplished..
Completed 2010 Resolutions...
1. Started a photoblog for my photography business... Not only that, but I worked on a REAL website () and will be going live THIS WEEK!!!
2. I raised my GPA (barely, but hey I did it)
3. I took a ballet class
4. "Know God in a more intimate way, talking to Him as a constant companion and best friend" By the grace of God, I can honestly say that I got closer to my Creator, and for that I am truly thankful.
The rest of my resolutions largely dealt with traveling, which I only had so much control over. SO I guess I was actually fairly successful this past year. Woohoo!!
And now I present to you 2011's Resolutions... (Drumroll please...)
1. Become more frugal.
2.Plant a garden (I realized that being gone most of the summer might kill that idea)
3. Join the Siesta Sister Scripture Memory Team
4. Cross 10 books off my 1001 Books to Read list
Wow guys... I'm really sorry, but that's all I've got!!! There are a few more between me and God, but I'm not going to share those.
If you've got any suggestions for me... PLEASE SHARE! I'm feelin' pretty pathetic at the moment!!
Completed 2010 Resolutions...
1. Started a photoblog for my photography business... Not only that, but I worked on a REAL website () and will be going live THIS WEEK!!!
2. I raised my GPA (barely, but hey I did it)
3. I took a ballet class
4. "Know God in a more intimate way, talking to Him as a constant companion and best friend" By the grace of God, I can honestly say that I got closer to my Creator, and for that I am truly thankful.
The rest of my resolutions largely dealt with traveling, which I only had so much control over. SO I guess I was actually fairly successful this past year. Woohoo!!
And now I present to you 2011's Resolutions... (Drumroll please...)
1. Become more frugal.
3. Join the Siesta Sister Scripture Memory Team
4. Cross 10 books off my 1001 Books to Read list
Wow guys... I'm really sorry, but that's all I've got!!! There are a few more between me and God, but I'm not going to share those.
If you've got any suggestions for me... PLEASE SHARE! I'm feelin' pretty pathetic at the moment!!
2010 In Review
Thank you for carrying me through this past year. Thank you for ending my year with laughter. Thank you for the relationships you blessed me with, the vision you've given me, the joy you've poured on me, the love you've lavished upon me, the opportunities you've allowed me to have...
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
Genesis 50:20
"The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."
Psalm 16:6
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you..."
Jeremiah 29:11-14
Thank you for taking what the enemy meant for evil and making it good... Oh so good. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for taking care of my past, present, and future. You are a good God. Worthy of praise much better than I shall ever be able to give. Above all, thank you for continuing with me into this next year.
Your daughter,
Your beloved,
Your lioness,
Thank you for carrying me through this past year. Thank you for ending my year with laughter. Thank you for the relationships you blessed me with, the vision you've given me, the joy you've poured on me, the love you've lavished upon me, the opportunities you've allowed me to have...
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
Genesis 50:20
"The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."
Psalm 16:6
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you..."
Jeremiah 29:11-14
Thank you for taking what the enemy meant for evil and making it good... Oh so good. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for taking care of my past, present, and future. You are a good God. Worthy of praise much better than I shall ever be able to give. Above all, thank you for continuing with me into this next year.
Your daughter,
Your beloved,
Your lioness,
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