Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This is one of those weeks of school that you just have to grit your teeth and plow through. I've been amazed at how much harder each semester of school has gotten. I know that's the idea, but as soon as I manage to get my study skills to match my classes, they get harder! Anyway, I'm really just procrastinating as I should be hitting the books right now, but I thought I'd make a list of what I will do once I turn in my last paper on Friday instead. So here we go...

1. Sleep
2. Work out
3. Sleep
4. Get groceries so I can stop eating black beans for every meal.
5. Try out my new Holga cam
6. Go on an adventure with Abbey (I haven't run this past her yet, but I'm sure she'll accommodate)
7. Prepare for the pinnacle of Kevinmas (Monday, October 24)
8. Cheer the Sooners on to victory
9. Watch a movie
10. Do my nails

BAM. Glad I got that figured out. Now back to studying for my Fall of the Roman Empire midterm tomorrow. Woot woot!

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