Monday, February 6, 2012


God and I have this thing going on. See, it seems that I look at the clock pretty much every time it reads "11:11." Whether it's in the morning or at night when I'm getting ready for bed, I seem to always see when those numbers pop up. I decided to ask God what He was wanting to tell me, and He told me that He wants me to be thankful for the here and now. As a college student it's so easy to always be looking towards the future-- "What will I do once I graduate?" "Am I going to go on any adventures?" "When will I meet the person I'm going to marry?" etc. etc. On top of that, God has said that 2012 is going to be a year of promise. I feel like I'm on the edge of something new with Him, and I'm so ready to jump into whatever it is. It's so easy for me to constantly be jumping ahead and wondering what's next. I firmly believe that the best is always yet to come and God's plans are always good so that gets me excited. BUT God wants to remind me, that He has something for me NOW. Right now. Right here. He has me in this place for such a time as this, and He doesn't want me to miss it. So for now, I'm letting 11:11 be my reminder to be all here now and to look for what He is doing around me.