So I know I haven't blogged in a while. Honestly I've just had so much catching up to do since getting back from India!! At the moment I'm in Colorado with my family. We've been here since last Wednesday and I'm LOVING IT. Today we moved out to a cabin on 50 acres. I'm not sure I've ever been somewhere some quiet in my life. It's so peaceful and beautiful. This trip has been very refreshing in a different way than India was. India was an incredible time of building bonds with my sweet friends from Antioch, getting poured into, and pouring it all back out. This trip has been so, so different as I suppose is to be suspected. I've hiked 6 miles up a mountain (thought I would die but it was worth it), floated down Yampa River, gone to a parade, kayaked Yampa River, stood face to face with a majestic waterfall, seen the sweet Spradlin family, gone to Euzoa Bible Church, and read NON-STOP. I've read at my old pace, the pace I've missed the past few years and it has been incredible. Currently I'm starting up "The Maytrees" by Annie Dillard. I can already tell it's going to be beautiful. The picture at the bottom is what I'm currently looking at. I'm curled up under a blanket on the deck watching the sun's reflection set on the mountains. Tonight the fam and I are going to play some Settlers and make some s'mores. Yummm. Well as the sun sets, it's getting cold. I'm going to go inside and curl up with my book = ) Much love and many blessings friends...

My view at the moment.. Not sure I could be more content...
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