Koby and Sam... You guys were my first new friends at OU. I can't imagine where I'd be if God hadn't put you two in my life. Your friendship means the world to me. Thank you for being there for me so many times that I couldn't even begin to count. I can't wait to see where God takes our friendship... There is MUCH to say... But I'll leave it at that for now...

To my lifegroup girls (and this is just from last semester!). You all are AWESOME. Thank you for teaching me about community!
Chesh and Travis... We've been friends for a few years now, but you two have truly become my brothers. Thank you for loving me and being there for me. Thanks for Skype dates, long walks, talking until 3 in the morning, and just being a true brother in Christ. You both are mighty men of God and I can't wait to see where God takes you!!

Cruiser.. You've made me smile on so many days when I felt like I had nothing else to smile about... I just love you and Dax to the moon and back. Thanks for letting me be your Wendy = )
Boys... Hahaha you're just funny. That's about all I have to say about you three
Cassi and Rachelle, you girls are adorable. God is going to use you in mighty, might ways. Be usable; He's gonna use you two!!
Children of Antioch... Thank you for your picture of joy and acceptance. It blesses me...
Caitlin- thank you for always laughing with me about things at Lifegroup that no one else catches. Your uniqueness and passion is inspiring. Robin- You are an incredible listener and a sweet spirit. People feel at home around you. Your hospitality is one of a kind, truly.
Steph (how sad is it that this is my only picture of you?!) You are SUCH an inspiration. Your dedication to God's call upon your life and your schoolwork is unlike any I've seen. You have a sweet spirit. We have so much in common, but there are many things about you that I admire and aspire to become. Keep on keeping on!!
Rachel- you are steadfast in your commitments and relationships. You seek God's will always. You have amazing perseverance which I aspire to obtain. I can't wait to share a house with you and Koby next year!!
Other Antiochers... Man I just love you guys... Where to even begin, seriously. Community is beautiful. Finding unity in what we have in common... Acts 2:42-47. Revival is coming friends...
Lauren and Alex hahaha I LOVE you two. Watching you guys play off of each other seriously cracks me up. Lauren- I love your hunger for the Lord. Watching your faith grow is such a blessing to me. God's gonna bless your hunger. Alex- you're a leader. Don't forget it. You're also an encourager. Don't forget that either. I love watching you lead!
Lindy, I am so blessed to have been your roommate. I'm so glad our friendship grew rather than diminishing through this experience. Thank you for putting up with me and all my little crap. You're a great friend haha! This may be the end of an era for us, but our friendship is gonna keep on going. I love you and am always here for you even if we aren't gonna share a room anymore = (
Abba... Thank you for loving me and not forsaking me. You never give up on me. Everything you do screams "I love you." Thank you for Your inerrant plan. I love walking each day with you knowing You will never lead me astray. I look forward to where You'll lead!! Thanks for walking through the depths with me this year. Thanks for putting up with my pounding screaming. I know You will never hurt me. I believe You make all things new. You've been SO good to me. Thank you. Thank you. Oh.. And thank you for things like stars to remind me how much You love me. Thanks for creating them just for me = )
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